Life management skills
Here you will find the topics for that module.
By selecting each topic, you will get to the curriculum as well as the practice exercises.

Credit and Debt management
Investments & Pension plans, retirement planning
Investments & Pension plans, retirement planning - part II.
Many of us has experienced, that setting financial goals and creating budgets, can help us manage our money. However, it is also important to manage our debt. Debt management is a way to keep up with your bills, especially if they have seemingly gotten out of control. You can use many strategies to manage your debt, which we will come in to later on.
In general, it can be said that the Danish pension system is a complex entity. A pension system must solve many different tasks at the same time. Quite simply, it can be said that a pension system must ensure that all citizens have a sufficient income throughout their retirement life, regardless of what working life they may have had.
If you do not meet the requirement for residence wounds during the vesting period, you may still be entitled to part of the state retirement pension. This part is calculated as a fraction on the basis of the time you have lived in Denmark during the vesting period, in relation to the requirement for the full basic amount.
How to know
To most people a job title is equal to being something and being someone. When the title is gone, it feels like the identity has disappeared too. The goal of this element is to map the personal and professional skills based on former experience and the values that the individuals navigate by in their life in general.
How to handle interpersonal problems
When the self-esteem is low it is easier to end up in conflicts with other people. Mentally it can be difficult to be constructive when met with misunderstandings or aggression. The goal of this element is to understand the nature of conflicts, how to avoid them and how to handle them, when they occur.
How to visualize
your dreams
Most dreams seem unattainable and are kept hidden from people’s surroundings and even from themselves. Often practical and emotional obstacles stand in the way of exploring their potential. The goal of this element is to unfold the dreams and examine what it takes for them to come true in the original or in a moderated version.
How to respect your parents and elders
Many seniors get lonely, whether they’re retired and no longer have their work social schedule, or they’re lost their spouse and some friends. Regardless, they still need a rich social circle for happiness as many can get isolated over time; which can lead to health decline.
How to navigate and find your way around
Being unemployed is stressful on both a practical and a psychological level, and even if there seems to be a lot a of time to write applications it can be difficult to structure the search for a new job. The goal of this element is to create a schedule for the job search and let the participants support each other in applying to the plan.
How to cope with ups and downs of life and
be resilient
Being unemployed is a crisis and when in the middle of it, it feels infinite and defining for identity and self-esteem. The goal of this element is to broaden the horizon and find strategies for the actual situation by making use of own former experience and other people’s knowledge.
How to take risks and make an effective decision
Having a job and a steady paycheck is a safe existence. Being unemployed in a changing society calls for a re-thinking of employment. It can be difficult to choose new ways and even more difficult to pursue dreams. The goal of this element is to challenge old ways of thinking and redefine the consequences of making new types of choices.