Lifelong learning is an important and useful activity at every stage of life. This is especially true when someone’s life is changed or stuck in their living conditions, and needs further skills to develop their various competences. This project indirectly targets adults who have been forced out of the labour market due to some external factors, need to change their lives for the further successes, gain new knowledge, find new jobs, and seek new opportunities. Our direct target group is educators, trainers, coaches and adult training professionals who deal with or want to deal with troubled adults who need help, are familiar with their problems and are open to accommodating and applying new solutions.
Our two-year collaboration involves the participation of five countries of the European Union, involving adult training organizations with extensive experience in developing the target groups and using methods that have been used to address the basic problem of the project. Our basic goal is to create an intellectual output that combines international experiences that will be useful for adult training in all EU countries and to promote individual mobility within the EU and the free movement of qualified workforce. The intellectual outputs of the project seek innovative solutions to tackle the problems of adults stranded outside the labour force. Uniquely, we want to encourage the acquisition of basic life skills competences for new challenges, and new working environments, with a focus on financial literacy related to successful life. Primary intellectual output is a methodological collection based on the online platform, which is primarily intended for experts dealing with the indirect target group (outside the labour force adults). The purpose of this collection is to create a new, practiceoriented and userfriendly handbook that includes adult training methods that respond to new challenges and practical implementation exercises. Professional material encompasses the widest possible content, through basic household, social and welfare knowledge, and savings to sustainable lifestyles and future planning issues.
The secondary intellectual output is responsible for ensuring the utility of the established methodological collection. In this intellectual output, we create exercise books and practical task collection, which – in practice – support the usability and efficiency of the established methodology. During the planned multiplication events, each partner country will test the primary intellectual output at local level, and the materials of these tests will be the content of the second developed intellectual output. Our primary goal is to seriously support the sustainability of the main output of two years of international cooperation by creating serious practical materials that are not only for introduction of the new methodology, but also for facilitating its use and adaptation. During the project, we are planning to organize mobilities in all participating countries in which the adult training experts of the organizations involved in the cooperation – basically based on experience-based ‘trainers’ trainings’ – will promote the correct implementation of the primary intellectual output. During these times, the participating professionals train each other, will have brainstorming and workshops on the content of the various chapters, and coordinate the results of the creative processes between the mobilities. The need for planned development – based on the figures and statistics – is almost unambiguous.
​The former professional work of the partners involved is a guarantee of the creation of innovative intellectual outputs. We believe that our international cooperation serving the development of adult education at European level. Our activity is a niche substitute since it is a fact that within the field of adult education there have been few improvements to target the adults less concerned by the social network and no longer really achievable for the education system too.