How to take a test.
Test or multiple choice tests are usually very frequent in the university. The practice we acquire as we are doing this type of exams it is usually enough to overcome them successfully. However, some specific suggestions can also help you convert what you have studied and learned in a good way.

Some strategies for taking a test are the following:
1. Find out about the material that goes into the exam. Each type of exams usually cover most of the concepts studied.
2. Visit your teacher to clarify the material a couple of weeks before the exam.
3. Study as for any other type of exam. Follow the basic learning process: develop a general framework and then learn the details well.
4. Review the most important topics and the teacher's concepts.
5. Review your notes; look at the ideas and concepts that they were emphasized in class.
6. Check your books; headings and summaries, and insist on the most important ideas.
7. As you review the material, ask yourself questions.
8. When you have reviewed all the material systematically, begin to memorize the information. Be sure to understand and use the basic terminology of the course. Memorization methods include:
a) Tabs: learn to associate keywords and information related.
b) Diagrams: prepare a visual scheme, give it a title and try to remember the image.
c) Mnemothecnic rules: build words or phrases using the initials of the words of a series of events or concepts.
9. When you study the material, group the facts or ideas that they have similar meanings. Pay special attention to differences between the facts and ideas of each group. It can be useful to think about what it means and what it includes, and what it does not mean and what does not include.
Some more strategies and guidelines to take multiple choice exams:
1. Pay attention to the time you have to take the test; It is recommended that you wear a watch.
2. Find out if there is a penalty for incorrect answers.
3. Flip through the exam: as you read it, take note of those items that seem simpler and those that they seem more complicated.
4. Start with the questions you can answer easily; do not waste time at the beginning with the most questions complicated.
5. Go back to the questions you couldn't answer on the first try. Maybe you can answer with ease now just by being more relaxed by have already answered other questions; sometimes one answer gives us clues to answer another.
6. Read and try to understand the sentence before looking at the alternatives and choosing one. Avoid jumping to conclusions about what you think the item asks.
7. Underline the key terms and the words they contribute tracks. When you come across ambiguous terms, translate them in your own words.
8. Think of the correct answer and then look for it among the alternatives. 9. You can also answer all the questions of the same topic, and avoid the mix of topics inherent in the design of this type of exams. Be careful to complete all the items without skipping any.
10. Options which are usually incorrect: - have a very different style from the other options, - do not agree grammatically with the statement, - are not from the area or topic of the question, but they have to see with another area of the subject.
When things get complicated:
1. Don't try to guess too fast! It is important to read all the alternatives and not stop when you find one you think likely.
2. You must select an alternative not only technically correct, but the most correct. Alternatives like "All of the above" or "none of the above" are very inclusive and tend to be more correct than incorrect.
3. Be careful with alternatives that include terms such as "never", "always", "guarantees", "assures". Such words are quite restrictive and very difficult to defend if elected. In most occasions they are alternatives.
4. On the contrary, other terms such as “sometimes results in”, "May occasionally drift to" may be correct on more occasions.
5. Beware of options that are too long or incorporating "jargon" (informal or unscientific terminology). They are usually used as traps.
6. Use your previous knowledge of suffixes, prefixes and roots of words to make guesses smart about terms you don't know. Know the prefix "Hyper" for example, will help you interpret that hypertension refers to high blood pressure, not low.
7. If you are not sure of an answer: Stick with one or two alternatives and compare them to identify differences between them. Finally, “guess with a basis".
8. Do you think you have made a mistake in an answer? Want change it? If you are sure that your first answer is wrong, change it; but if you do not have certainties and when choosing the first answer you had a minimum security, do not change it.
9. Finally, remember that the best way to ensuring the selection of the correct option is knowing the right answer.
10. Get plenty of rest the night before the exam: distract your mind with other activities and sleep well (tired mind does not give all it can).
11. Make sure you have all the materials necessary for the exam: pencil, pen, calculator...
12. Arrive early to class and choose a comfortable place. Try to avoid those colleagues who make you nervous.
Once you’ve read the text on the topic, it’s time to test your knowledge.
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